Department of Computer Engineering

Course Structure Diagram with Credits

To see the course details (such as objectives, learning outcomes, content, assessment and ECTS workload), click the relevant Course Code given in the table below.

1. Year Fall Semester
Code Pre. Course Name Theory App/Lab Local Credits ECTS
ENG 101 Academic Skills in English I 2 2 3 3
FENG 101 Fundamentals of Engineering Culture 2 0 2 4
IUE 100 Orientation and Career Planning 1 0 1 2
MATH 153 Calculus I 2 2 3 6
PHYS 100 General Physics I 2 2 3 6
SE 115 Introduction to Programming I 2 2 3 6
SFL 1013 Second Foreign Languages I 2 2 3 3
Total : 30
1. Year Spring Semester
Code Pre. Course Name Theory App/Lab Local Credits ECTS
ENG 102 Academic Skills in English II 2 2 3 4
FENG 102 Introduction to Engineering 2 0 2 4
MATH 154 On kosul Calculus II 2 2 3 6
PHYS 102 General Physics II 2 2 3 6
SE 116 On kosul Introduction to Programming II 2 2 3 6
SFL 1024 Second Foreign Languages II 2 2 3 4
Total : 30
2. Year Fall Semester
Code Pre. Course Name Theory App/Lab Local Credits ECTS
CE 215 Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science 3 0 3 6
CE 221 On kosul Data Structures and Algorithms I 3 2 4 7
EEE 215 On kosul Introduction to Electrical Circuits and Electronics for Computer Engineers 3 2 4 7
MATH 240 On kosul Probability for Engineers 3 0 3 6
SFL 201 Second Foreign Languages III 2 2 3 4
Total : 30
2. Year Spring Semester
Code Pre. Course Name Theory App/Lab Local Credits ECTS
CE 216 On kosul Fundamental Topics in Programming 2 2 3 6
CE 223 Database Systems 3 2 4 7
ENG 210 Technical English for Engineers 3 0 3 4
MATH 207 On kosul Introduction to Differential Equations I 2 2 3 5
SFL 202 Second Foreign Languages IV 2 2 3 4
TURK 100 Turkish 4 0 4 4
Total : 30
3. Year Fall Semester
Code Pre. Course Name Theory App/Lab Local Credits ECTS
CE 315 On kosul Automata Theory and Formal Languages 3 2 4 7
CE 323 On kosul Operating System Concepts 3 2 4 7
EEE 242 Digital Design 2 2 3 5
MATH 250 On kosul Linear Algebra for Engineers 3 0 3 6
SE 302 On kosul Principles of Software Engineering 3 0 3 5
Total : 30
3. Year Spring Semester
Code Pre. Course Name Theory App/Lab Local Credits ECTS
CE 316 On kosul Programming Paradigms 2 2 3 5
CE 326 On kosul Computer Networks 2 2 3 6
CE 342 On kosul Fundamentals of Microprocessors 2 2 3 6
FENG 345 On kosul Numerical Methods for Engineers I 2 2 3 7
MATH 236 On kosul Engineering Statistics 3 0 3 6
Total : 30
4. Year Fall Semester
Code Pre. Course Name Theory App/Lab Local Credits ECTS
CEST 400 Engineering Summer Training (4 weeks) 0 0 0 5
ELEC 001 Elective Course I 3 0 3 5
ELEC 002 Elective Course II 3 0 3 5
ELEC 003 Elective Course III 3 0 3 5
FENG 497 On kosul Multidisciplinary Engineering Projects 2 2 3 6
POOL 003 GEC-Social Sciences A: Economics 3 0 3 4
Total : 30
4. Year Spring Semester
Code Pre. Course Name Theory App/Lab Local Credits ECTS
ELEC 004 Elective Course IV 3 0 3 5
ELEC 005 Elective Course V 3 0 3 5
FENG 498 On kosul Engineering Capstone 0 6 3 6
HIST 100 Principles of Atatürk and History of Revolution 4 0 4 4
POOL 005 GEC- Social Sciences C: Arts and Communication 3 0 3 5
POOL 006 GEC- Social Awareness and Ethics 3 0 3 5
Total : 30
Elective Courses
Code Pre. Course Name Theory App/Lab Local Credits ECTS
CE 304 On kosul Operating Systems Security 2 2 3 5
CE 320 Application Development with MATLAB 3 0 3 5
CE 322 Pattern Recognition 3 0 3 5
CE 340 Cryptography and Network Security 3 0 3 5
CE 344 Advanced Machine Learning 3 0 3 5
CE 345 Introduction to Machine Learning 3 0 3 5
CE 350 Linux Utilities and Shell Scripting 3 0 3 5
CE 360 Wireless Communications 3 0 3 5
CE 370 On kosul Distributed Database Systems 3 0 3 5
CE 380 Computational Geometry 3 0 3 5
CE 390 On kosul Analysis of Algorithms 3 0 3 5
CE 395 Special Topics in Machine Learning 3 0 3 5
CE 401 On kosul Algorithms Design 3 0 3 5
CE 403 On kosul Computer Architecture and Organization 2 2 3 5
CE 405 Programming for Bioinformatics 3 0 3 5
CE 407 On kosul Introduction to Cloud Computing 3 0 3 5
CE 450 Distributed Systems and Parallel Computing 3 0 3 5
CE 455 Deep Neural Networks 3 0 3 5
CE 462 Intoduction to Sparse Representations 3 0 3 5
CE 466 Computer Vision 3 0 3 5
CE 470 Introduction to Neural Networks 3 0 3 5
CE 475 On kosul Fundamentals and Applications of Machine Learning 2 2 3 7
CE 476 Music and Computers 3 0 3 5
CE 477 Data Science 3 0 3 5
CE 485 Linear and Integer Programming 3 0 3 8
CE 490 On kosul Introduction to Digital Image Processing 3 0 3 5
EEE 461 On kosul Embedded System Design 2 2 3 6
IE 342 On kosul Decision Theory 3 0 3 5
IE 346 Engineering Economics 3 0 3 5
IE 361 On kosul Game Theory 3 0 3 6
IE 373 Software Applications in Industry 2 2 3 5
IE 375 Financial Engineering 3 0 3 5
MCE 412 On kosul Autonomous Robotics 2 2 3 6
MCE 420 On kosul Automation and Industry 4.0 2 2 3 6
SE 204 Human-Computer Interaction 3 0 3 5
SE 306 On kosul Database Management Systems 2 2 3 5
SE 307 On kosul Concepts of Object-Oriented Programming 2 2 3 7
SE 309 On kosul Concepts of Programming Languages 2 2 3 8
SE 310 Advanced C++: Templates and Generic Programming 3 0 3 5
SE 311 On kosul Software Architecture 2 2 3 7
SE 313 On kosul Computer Graphics 3 0 3 5
SE 320 Introduction to Computer Games 3 0 3 5
SE 330 Advanced Game Development 3 0 3 5
SE 344 Software Testing 3 0 3 5
SE 350 Game Design 3 0 3 5
SE 352 Network Programming in Computer Games 3 0 3 5
SE 354 Artificial Intelligence in Computer Games 3 0 3 5
SE 355 Mobile Game Development 3 0 3 5
SE 360 Advances in Software Development 3 0 3 5
SE 362 Server-Side Scripting Languages 3 0 3 5
SE 370 Programming Web Services 3 0 3 5
SE 380 Mobile Application Development 3 0 3 5
SE 390 Software Engineering for Mobile Devices 3 0 3 5
SE 420 Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems 3 0 3 5
SE 431 3D Modeling in Computer Games 3 0 3 5
SE 432 3D Animation in Computer Games 3 0 3 5
SE 460 Software Measurement 3 0 3 5
SE 470 Software Maintenance 3 0 3 5
SE 480 Client Side Scripting Languages 3 0 3 5
SE 482 E-Business: Administration, Security and Marketing 3 0 3 5
Additional Notes

A total of 240 ECTS credits of courses are required to graduate. The Computer Engineering students must complete the General Education Courses (GEC) and the elective courses to provide a total of 240 ECTS credits. Otherwise they will not be deemed to fulfill the conditions to graduate from the program.

Important Information about the Elective Courses

  • The students of Computer Engineering department must take 5 technical elective courses to graduate.
  • These courses must be selected from the Technical Elective Courses list. Courses that are not in this list cannot be accepted as electives.
  • ECTS credits of elective courses should be equal or greater than the credits specified in the curriculum.

Important Information about the GEC Courses

The students of Computer Engineering department must take 3 GEC courses to graduate.

Of these GEC courses

  • 1 must be from Social Sciences A: Economics,
  • 1 must be from Social Sciences C: Arts and Communication,
  • 1 must be from Social Awareness and Ethics

ECTS credits of GEC courses should be equal or greater than the credits specified in the curriculum.

* The Computer Engineering students must ensure that while selecting a new technical, GED or free elective course, it should not be the same, similar or less comprehensive as any course you have previously taken in your curriculum or any compulsory course in your curriculum that you have not taken yet. In this case, the courses you have taken will not be counted as any elective courses (technical, GED or free elective) and will not fulfill any qualifications in the curriculum. Please, do not select courses that in this case. For example, a student who takes MATH 153 or has MATH 153 in his curriculum cannot take MATH 101 from the Mathematics department and cannot count as an elective even if he has taken it.

If you need support for these courses due to your disability, please refer to Disability Support Unit. Contact; engelsiz@ieu.edu.tr



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